Nespoli Deutschland receives TOP 100 award

Nespoli Deutschland received the TOP 100 award at the 26th edition of the popular German innovation contest.

The award was given on 28th of June in Frankfurt by the popular TV journalist Ranga Yogeshwar and by Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke, the scientific head of the contest. TOP 100 assesses annually, in a scientific way, the innovation management of medium-sized enterprises and the resulting innovation success. In this independent process, Nespoli convinced especially in the category „innovation fostering top management“.

Innovation driver behind the new products is our CEO Alessandro Nespoli, who is heading the family-owned company in the third generation and who creates a perfect environment for the development of new ideas. Inspiration for new tools also evolves from the sales department, contacts with do-it-yourself stores, professional craftsmen and paint manufacturers. As a result of these interactions, we own the highest number of registered patents in the paint accessory industry (over 60) .

Amongst others, the organizers of TOP 100 emphasized our innovative paint roller system RollMatic®, the FreshBox48® for flat brushes and the exclusive coating of our paint rollers with the TeflonTM surface protector.

 „Innovation has always been one of the core competences of Nespoli Group. We are very proud of receiving the official appreciation by TOP 100 award. It encourages us even more to carry on and develop new ideas and innovative tools“, says Bert Bergfeld, Managing Director of Nespoli Deutschland.  

A short portait about Nespoli and the reasons for winning the innovation award is available here (only German).

More general information about TOP 100 can be find here

Our pictures shows from left to right: The company´s owner Alessandra Nespoli, journalist and TOP 100 mentor Ranga Yogeshwar, our head of marketing Andrea Fischer and Bert Bergfeld, CEO of Nespoli Deutschland.

Picture: KD Busch / compamedia



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